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🎁❤🎁 My Dear Wael 🎁❤🎁

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🎁❤🎁 My Dear Wael 🎁❤🎁
A friend is someone who stands by your side when you are in trouble and broken inside. A friend is someone who treats you with all the best and shines your day, when you are. Happy birthday my friend! 🎊🎉🎊
Every candle on your cake is another year I’ve been lucky to know you ❤
May your big day be as special as you are ❤Thinking of you on your birthday, and wishing you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, you deserve the best and nothing less. 🎁❤🎁

Schemat kartki: Wiązanka z balonów
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02-08-2018 20:08
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