And full of nothing but the best feelings, we would like to cheer with you all this special day, whe

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Dear Sister Rosario!

Happy Easter to all of Sisters in the convent! With a lot of love in our hearts, with an open chest and full of nothing but the best feelings, we would like to cheer with you all this special day, when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

On that first Resurrection Day,
doubt became faith.
Fear was transformed into peace,
despair became hope.
Death and darkness fled
with the light of Jesus,
and joy reigned upon the earth.

May these blessings of
faith, peace, hope and joy
reign in your heart
on this Easter Day
and all throughout the year.

Gabi with Family and Friends

Schemat kartki: Wielkanocne jajo
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Podkategorie: Love
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