In this special day

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Hiiii my love Irene:*
in this special day
i want tell you or try why
i love you, what do you have that i love you soo much...and ... i cant say it soo easy, every time when i know its always smt new, when i think its your beautiful smile, oh hey wait but your eyes too... hmm if its only this i prob didnt spend that much time talk with you:P hmm its smt talk about everything soo its mean you are intelligent (and you know everything^^)and you always have your own opinion that why i like talk with you and im never bored:* i love you because you are the most brave and strong person i ever seen, i love your sense of humor and distance for some things, i love when you show what you feel, just you angry you dont hide it, if smt is what you dont like you
show it, and when you are grumpy mmm:* ohh its soo hard write what i love in you... because when i think about smt i just love it, you are just perfevt:* i love every singel even smal thinkg in you, even this what you thing its for you normal... for me its amazing...
i just love all you

happy valentine day :*
always love you
Twój Radek

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