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It was great to see that your son arrived well – enjoy the ride and the time-off from work

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Dear Charlotte,

it was great to see that your son arrived well – enjoy the ride and the time-off from work.
Wishing you and your family all the best!

Dear Charlotte

Congratulations to the beautiful family. My best wishes to the sweet little one !!! Lots of love.

We haven’t had a chance to work together yet, however I just heard the good news, so congratulations and best wishes!

Dear Charlotte,

Once again congratulations with little Ronan! Hope you’re enjoying this precious time with him to the fullest!
All the best wishes for you and your family of 5 :)


Dear Charlotte,

Once again congratulations on the arrival of your son Ronan.
Good luck with the next great adventure, lots of love, peace and happiness for the whole beautiful Family !

Hi Charlotte, May God bless you and your precious new baby Ronan.

Congratulations on this amazing new arrival and addition to your family.
Enjoy this time with your baby. Wishing you all the best !!!

Congratulations and all the best wishes for the Family!

Schemat kartki: Na narodziny dziecka
Kategorie schematów:
Narodziny dziecka
Kategorie gotowych kartek:
Narodziny dziecka
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29-03-2023 12:28
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