So much I miss you my darling

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I love that soon it will end our separation ....

So much I miss you my darling
So you miss me
You know that a day without you is a day?
It is the emptiness that you can only fill you
I am waiting to see you again
Kiss you on the lips hot Your
A hug and feel the warmth of your body
Say I love those beautiful eyes that his light przepędzają all my sadness
So much I miss laughing Thy
For the joy spent with you days
It follows you around my baby wistfully
Longingly as how I love you
I know that soon I'll see you
Then the time will stop its run
I love spell again surrounds us
Then I will tell you honey as missed me how much I love and I do not want more already miss you, my darling ...

... See you soon, I know that the day will come when we will be together forever ... I love you Scott

                                                                  Your Jola

Schemat kartki: Oplecione serce
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Podkategorie: Love
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