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Touch of love

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Touch of love

Love comes in a light breeze,
and you wait how many wonderful words it will say.
It touches the tears flowing down your cheeks,
dripping from glistening eyes.
Love wipes away those tears of sorrow,
carefully and slowly.
Wipe thoroughly with a handkerchief,
taken out of the suit.
Love soothes your pains with extra days,
looking for the cause in a closed circle.
Love overcome all your problems,
comming from time immemorial.
Love touches the other person with intimacy,
It wants your heart completely.
It embraces them with a luminous brightness,
revealing your deepest secrets.
Love follows you constantly,
You take it everywhere with you.
It enters your beating heart
Along with this melody, that will no longer be unknown anymore.
Love once let in,
Won’t avoid you anymore.
It will not be able to leave your heart
It lives in a miraculous soul from now on.

From Accountant Group Poland

Schemat kartki: Obrączki ślubne
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