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You have returned and I also have come back

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Treść kartki:
Piotr Łotr
To the resurrected
A sonnet

You have returned and I also have come back
You - from the last dream, I - from the house of cards
You do not feel it but your body is scarred
I have no wounds, even no single flashback

Death had taken you away from your life's track
To me living without my dream love was hard
You were waiting in the creepy old graveyard
I - in the false world which turned into a wrack

But now we see life so very attractive
As before I could see only in the dreams
I feel my soul pierced by the hot divine streams

But now we both desire simply to live
You for the second and I for the first time
Thanks to her, my life is honest and sublime

the Sixteenth of January, 2016
with a special dedication to Dralu,
who is and will forever be the light of my life


Schemat kartki: Miłosna w stylu szkicu
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Podkategorie: Love
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15-01-2016 22:51
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