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At the end of another very challenging year, we would like to thank you for all your commitment and

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Treść kartki:
Dear Colleagues,
At the end of another very challenging year, we would like to thank you for all your commitment and work. This year has been marked by the pandemic and by the changes which we are making to the GBS organization.
You coped with the transfer to home office which we had to do when the pandemic began to spread and we all together mastered this change without major effects to our operation.
We especially value your dedication and hard work as we know that the year has been very difficult and the changes we are doing to the set-up of GBS will affect a lot of you during the coming months.
Even December is always a very busy period in EMEA BS with the work which comes with the end of the calendar and the fiscal year, we hope that you will find some calm and good time to spend with your family and friends.
Merry Christmas to you and your families and a happy, healthy, New Year 2021!
Dorota Małgorzata Murat Roland

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