Obviously for someone special cause you are for me

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(Wesołych Świąt means Merry Christmas btw)


My bad that I’ve never asked you if you don’t mind if I call you so. My apologies. So Andrew.

Christmas is always a special time for me, as well as the New Year’s Eve but that probably less.
So what I’m writing is also going to be special. And dedicated for the New Year’s too.
Obviously for someone special cause you are for me.
And don’t pretend I’ve never said that to you. You’re absolutely worth to read that.

I don’t know honestly where to start. The best will be if I start from the beginning. That was so smart sentence though. Ok, let’s start from May when I found you.

2016 was more or less good year for me during all these twelve months. I am not that complaining kind of girl, so every time I try to notice something positive, both about the day and the person.
May, 8 used to be just another day which always reminds me that, heeeey, my birthday is coming.
But still, that day was without meaning. Until I met you.

Usually when it comes to the last day of the year, you start to wonder what was good, what could be better, what was the worst but also what was definitely the best thing that happened in that particular year. And I didn’t really have to think about it for too long, if we’re talking about the last one, because the chance of founding you was definitely the best in 2016. You can say „akwaaaard” now, I don’t really care.

Maybe I don’t know you for that long as around 8 months by text seem to be not that long but I must admit that you’ve changed my life somehow. In a way that you make me so damn happy. I am not saying I wasn’t happy before. I was happy in general but now I can feel even happier and what’s more, proud of knowing you. I know that sounds so simple but unfortunately it’s impossible to explain such. Making YOU happy is one of the best feelings. So as long as I don’t annoy you for real then it’s great. Remember, if you stand five years more then you have no choice.
You also opened up my eyes on some matters that you probably didn’t even realize. And there are so many things that I appreciate about you but I don’t want to mention all of them. These matter the most:

• For having time for me. Cause there are people that can talk only in their free time, you know what I mean. And you „free” your time to talk to me. That’s something that never happened to me to that extent, taking into consideration time difference. That’s also somehow motivating that impossible is nothing in this life, in a way that other things can be easily reached too.

• For support. Yeah, I’m wondering too how’s that possible? But even the thought that you simply ARE is supportive for me.

• For being in my life. As simple as that. That doesn’t need an explanation.
You know you could run away long time ago. So I really appreciate it. Only I know probably how much. I don’t know though, how I made it that you still care.

• For the way you are the most. I tried to explain it here in this point so many times by erasing, adding something new, to let you know but I think I can’t do that. It’s more like something that you feel. For example, I won’t forget that orphanage part and a few other stories. You didn’t do that to me but just hearing that made me think that you’re so extraordinary. I appreciate that kind of behaviour so so much. And no, I’m not overreacting now. I am glad that there’s someone who thinks like me. Probably if I wasn’t myself with my personality, I wish I could be you.

All of the things make you complete I would say. Like puzzles. They just all fit. I read once something about magnetic puzzle pieces and then I’ve started to think that it’s actually connected to you and me. I know what you’re thinking now: wtf? But when you think about a habit of talking and magnetic puzzle pieces that whenever they are apart, there’s always a force trying to pull them together again, it’s related right? Hopefully you get the concept. I know you will.
Do you remember a conversation about confession? I am going to do that a bit to you right now so you won’t say anymore that I haven’t done that. I read a quote once: „You can’t stop a person from doing what they want to do. They’ll start lying to you to continue doing it.” And you know to
what it applies to. Waking up. So if you ever again stop me, I’m going to lie to you.
And you don’t deserve it so don’t let me start doing so. The same with saying that we need a break of talking to each other, let’s say that sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while. So I wanted somehow to give you a lesson and teach you how to appreciate because we both know you can’t really show it. But it seems I am such a bad teacher. And it didn’t really work so forgive me. Well, you don’t have to because nothing happened eventually.
I should start that wishes part right now. I guess. Don’t you ever put limits on your life because you’re worth everything. Remember that things that are meant for you will always flow and follow you. You don’t need to force it or change yourself to attain something. There’s no obligation for you to be the same person you were a year, a month or even, I don’t know, 30 minutes ago. You have the right to grow but you already know that. And you’ve changed probably. Or maybe it was me who changed?
I don’t know whether you believe in such things or not but in my opinion nothing is a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason, I always have that in mind. Everything you experience is meant to happen exactly how it happens. Sometimes a situation you think of as „bad” is actually putting you on a path to the best thing that could possibly happen to you. And remember that if there’s something special in your life, the fastest way to kill it, is to compare it to something else, so don’t do that. And make the right decisions, if you would ever need help at any you know where I am.

You probably realized that I can’t live without you. Or ok, that maybe sounds too serious for you. You know things about me that no one else does and maybe know me better than I do.
Although I am not sure about the last one. Remember that no matter what happens
I am always here for you, no matter where you go and who you become.

If 2017 will be the same in terms of you being a part of it, then I am sure it will be even better than 2016. There might be a lot of things that can possibly change but I hope that you, as well as your presence in my life , won’t change at all.
Thank you is not enough to express how how much I wish I could thank to you. But I hope you know Andrew.

If I could, I would hug you now but as I can’t then you have to imagine.

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