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Ords ‘thank you’ do not reflect how grateful I am to You for all the support, expertise

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Treść kartki:
Dear Bruno,

Tomorrow is my last day at the current position in MDM. I would like you thank you very much. The words ‘thank you’ do not reflect how grateful I am to You for all the support, expertise and patience you have shared during those 2 years.
I truly say that you are amazing and kind-hearted person. I could always count on your help, advices, knowledge, patience and kindness. Thank you for that! Please do not change ever. I was very lucky to work with you.
It is sad that changes have come. It is hard to go along new path. Nevertheless, from the 3rd of January I am starting in Swedish MSO and will be available on lync. Feel free to contact my any time you need. I wish you all the best!

Schemat kartki: Dla Babci
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